Devlog 01

Hello hello! Can't believe it's already been a month since the Cupid's Chatroom demo was released... All the love and support for the game has been a joy to experience! It's one of the biggest reasons why I love game dev <3 So I want to thank you all for playing and eagerly awaiting for the game's development; it means so much to us!!

On to some news: the team is now working on the extended demo!! Yippee!!! The sprites are 100% completed and script writing for the rest of the characters has begun. Right now the extended demo's release date is tentative so I don't want to reveal the date until I'm super sure it's ready to be launched.

Previously the plan was to release Daeho and Roman's full route for the extended demo, but after many discussions, I've decided to have the demo feature everyone's Days 1-3 instead. Why? Because Cupid's Chatroom will be buy to play 😔 It was a difficult decision but it's simply expensive to make games. We hope that by providing everyone's first three days, you all will get a chance to get to know each guy and all their charms and eccentricities.

As for the update to the jam demo, our lead programmer has been extremely busy so it's still delayed until further notice--it might even have to be released alongside the extended demo. Apologies for the inconvenience, I hope it hasn't deterred you from having fun with the game! 🙏

There are some changes we'll be making to the game:

  • New points system. No more locked calls (wohoo!)--bad and good choices won't affect the boys calling you, so everyone gets to kick their feet and giggle at the boys--and more minor personality choices that don't give points.
  • Chatroom emotes are being replaced plus new ones are getting added. Check some out below~

  • That's about it so far.

Now to the final hurdle... our Kickstarter. No date yet but the extended demo will be the push towards that.

Thank you so much for reading and for the support as always!

Get Cupid's Chatroom (demo)


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I will pay anything for this game TvT I will be supporting you and the game!! (>_<)

Hello! where/is there a kickstarter, or will there be a post when it is up?


Hi, the kickstarter will be announced in another post! Most likely after we release the extended demo \o/

Thank you so much


100% down to pay whatever price this game will cost, I know it'll be worth it :)


Hey !! The demo was awesome, and I'm thinking of saving up to either fund the kickstarter or buy the game.

Do you have an idea of the prices ?



Hello! Imo funding the kickstarter has more advantages. You receive the game and extra rewards (plus we'll have an early bird discount tier so you can get the game and rewards at a lower price. About 15 USD!); and it'll help fund the game 😄

I think for the game alone, it will be around that price.

Bad day to be poor.


You've already got me totally invested in the game, I'll happily buy it when it's available <3


I am 100% okay with having to pay. Making games takes a lot of time and money! Plus you deserve it after all the hard work you put in. I'm SUPER excited to see the other routes and cannot wait for the next update!!


Dude, I will pay ANY kind of money just to be able to play this game in its full glory, it's AMAZING so far! A bit sad that we have to wait longer for Dae and Rom's extended routes, but having all five bachelors unlocked Days 1-3 is an AMAZING treat! Keep up the good work! 👍


I'm not deterred if I have to pay. Roman's VA deserves to be paid for his performance! Maybe backing the Kickstarter at a certain tier will give a discount?


We'll have an early bird discount tier that includes the game key + extra goodies <3

(1 edit) (+1)



im so excited for the future of this game! i can tell everyone involved has put in a lot of hardwork to make this possible. EEEEEKKK i cant wait to finish daeho’s route🤭♡


thank u very much for all ur hard work !! the decision to make it paid is completely understandable and honestly i thought it was always planned to be from the start since its so good !! 100% worth it im v v willing 2 throw all my money for daeho ,, <3 the emotes are also adorable !! i adore this game sm plz take all the time u need will be waiting patiently 


So excited for an extended demo. Thank you all for the hard work!

I'll be keeping an eye out for the Kickstarter! <3


Super excited!! I do not mind paying, as I'm sure that it will be well worth the money considering the amount of work put into it (which can already be seen so far!)!

I'm excited and have been waiting for the extended demo for a while haha and been suggesting it to my friends. Best of luck!!

Is there also a predetermined price for how much it may be?

Anyhow, I'm excited for Oliver's route haha >_q

I'm still contemplating on the price but will post another update announcing it o7

I'm also excited for Oliver's route! Our writers are cooking something good 🤭

Ooh okayokay!! I will definitely keep an eye out for that then o7

BAKSJKFNF i am rubbing my hands together evilly .. i cant wait !! 😋


The emotes are adorable and I'm so excited with the content plans!! The demo was really good so I'm sure the full version will be worth the price! Regardless, you guys deserve it for your hard work! ^^ Looking forward to seeing more updates hehe all the best!! 


Thank u so much for the hard work ❤️ I really loved the demo and think it's understandable that it will be paid.

I am glad we will have a chance to know all the guys for the first 3 days so good luck!